пятница, 16 декабря 2011 г.

Capital Punishment

Capital punishment refers to the execution through a judicial process as a punishment for a crime committed by an individual. This sentence is also referred to as death penalty while the crimes that attract it are known as capital offences. This sentence has been practiced for a long time but over the recent years concerns have been raised on the ground of violations of human rights and sanity of life. There has been a raging debate with different people holding different opinions on the subject. There are those who have been advocating for the abolition of the practice basing their arguments on the need to sanity life. Majority of the abolitionist have been basing their arguments on religious connotations as well as human rights angle. On the other side another group has been calling for sustained application of the sentence as a fair judicial process to control the increased crime of capital nature. They have argued that this will serve as a deterrent to potential offenders.
    Different countries have policies concerning capital punishment with some having abolished the practice.China, United Kingdom are some of the countries where capital punishment has been outlawed. In United States of America capital punishment continue to be used in the judicial process. This has caused a lot of controversy with debates ranging on the constitutionality of the issue. The issue has divided the nation with the human right activist calling on the sober approach of the subject as it is very sensitive since it touches on the life of an individual. The constitution guarantees life for every individual, this section of the constitution should be uphold for the common good of all the citizens. It is through such a measure that justice will be held. (Hood, R 2002 105)
    The mainstream religious bodies and beliefs appreciate the importance of respecting the life of a human being. They point out that no human being has a right to terminate the life of a fellow man or woman. Only the almighty has the right and power to give and end life. In advancing these beliefs the religious movements stress that it is morally wrong for an individual to terminate the life of a person on the other hand, government killing as a measure of reducing crime or upholding justice is equally wrong. This argument falls on the principle of two wrongs can not make a right. Human rights policies are also framed on the same context. Killing as a means to justify the ends does not serve to uphold justice rather it is an inhumane practice which should be condemned in all means. (Hood, R 2002 145)
    Strong policies should be put in place in place to address the issue of capital punishment. There have been several cases where people have been executed only later evidence emerges declaring these people innocent. This is what the abolitionist have been arguing about. Killing an innocent person only serves to promote crime rather controlling it. Leaders all over the world need to strengthen the policies which deal with this issue to ensure that capital punishment is no longer part of our judicial process. Alternative mechanisms need to be put in place to address the type of punishment which should be meted on capital offenders. This is the only way that governments will avoid killing innocent people as well as upholding the constitutional rights stipulated in our constitutions concerning the right to life.
    Analysts point out that the only way United States and other countries which still use capital punishment in their judicial process can prevent executing innocent people and uphold human rights is through abolishing the practice. This can be achieved through continued enactment and application of strong human policies which address on the issue. Capital punishment is a violation of the human right on the part of the government ,on the same note those who kill commit heinous crimes but there should be mechanisms where the judicial process is not allowed to commit innocent people to a process which they do not deserve.


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