четверг, 10 ноября 2011 г.

Implementation of HR System

An analysis of the currently operating HR system of Riordan Manufacturing manifested a strong need to adopt a Human Resources Information System (HRIS) that is functionally complete but without data redundancy. A responsive HR system defines and delivers data and information to the appropriate hierarchical authority that are tasked to use such information in their decision processes. Thus, the proposed design of a new HR system and its relevant architecture as well as infrastructure needs to be structured in terms of a capability to provide comprehensive information needed for effective management decision-making through a highly responsive modular and integrated architecture. This means that a strong automated manpower management and monitoring system is in place with adequate security and confidentiality assured. (Sharma, 2004)
            Like any effective system development programming, the cycle of implementation in the proposed HRIS of Riordan commences from the analysis of the current HR system considering all the flaws and areas for improvement that do not correspond to the operating character of the company. For example, the established lines of authority are part of the system embedded in the application. Here the aim of the analytical part is to identify the areas that make the system unresponsive as well as the component system which will address future needs congruent with the direction and priorities of the company. (Anthony & Govindarajan, 2003)
            In the design of a new system, systems flaws are addressed, the processes are made more systematic, innovative, interesting but without sacrificing control. Every conceivable need in terms of a comprehensive management of the human resources is considered and made an integral part of the whole organizational design. (Bodner & Hopwood, 2009)

The Implementation Stage      
            The major activities for the implementation stage, among others, are basically the following: (1) coding, (2) testing, (3) installation, (4) documentation, (5) training and (6) support.  These steps are derivatives of the usual system development life cycle (SDLC) under a formal implementation stage which necessitates the following steps in the cycle. It is interesting to note that each phase in the system development life cycle is a small project in itself which would require planning, execution and analysis: (CIO/OFT, 2009) 
A.    Construction of software components/Coding.  
This pertains to the coding phase of the cycle outlining the logic and flow of the processes, the identification of the data needed as well as the data base management component needed to interface with the systems. The coding phase involves the use of the appropriate language, which will respond to the processing of data into output enabling compilation into the data base application used for the purpose.      
 This phase involves converting analysis and design specifications into executable programs which defines an effective development work standards as one that includes requirements that SDLC participants discuss and evaluate design specifications before actual programming is done. This initial procedure help ensure that coders and programmers fully comprehend program analyses and designs as well as the functional requirements. (FFIEC/IT, 2009) Here, programmers use various procedural programming techniques involving the line-by-line scripting of logical instructions combined to form the program.
As applied, this stage addresses the logic of entry and flow of data taken from the employees’ information sheet to the last detail needed as well as all the tasks involved in the processing of data into information. Here, the programming logic creates the modules such as job analysis, job posting, short-listing of candidates, documentation of selection, approval, appointment, compensation and benefits subsystem, payroll, monitoring, evaluation and performance management, training and development, promotions, transfers and upgrading, separation and retirement. This phase practically demands most of the development timeline.   
B.     Testing.
This includes verification of the code and the command that brings the logical flow to where data is stored, processed and retrieved. The testing phase checks the draft for bugs to ensure that the program runs smoothly as defined by the logic.    
Primary procedural programming routines in this regard include the creation and testing of source code and the refinement as well as finalization of test plans. Here, individual programmers write and review program modules and components representing the small routines that perform a particular task within an application. Finished components are then integrated with other components and reviewed to ensure the components properly interact. The process continues as component groups are integrated and as the interfaces among and between component groups are reviewed and tested. Here, the techniques include the concept of "object-oriented programming" which centers on the development of reusable program routines and the classification and sorting of data types such as numbers, letters, dollars, and data structures like records, files, tables, etc. Often, pre-scripted module are linked to predefined data-class objects and effectively reduces development cycle time and makes programs easier to modify. It is desirable to complete testing plans during the development phase which includes conversion updates, implementation, and training plans and the all-important user, operator, and maintenance manuals.(Bodner & Hopwood, 2009) ((CIO/OFT, 2009) 
C.                Management approval and readying for installation. This is a phase that documents the final go-signal of management to install the program and commence data conversion. Likewise, user acceptance is assumed to be documented in this step, which is also understood to mean that the new system reasonably substantially addresses the needs of the organization. In this stage, all queries by the users have been addressed, demonstrated and understood to be functional. Hence, the objectives of the system development are appreciated and organizational changes are achieved without reluctance and resistance.         
D.                Installation and data conversion. This is an SDLC phase that deploys the program as agreed approved by management. Here, the hardware, system software and middle wares including workstations and supplies are readied in the user stations in the various departments of the organization such as job analysis, hiring and recruitment, payroll, training and development, performance management and promotions system, separation and retirement as well as the reporting and analysis of the information demanded by the users.          
E.                Training and documentation is the phase where users are identified, trained, selected oriented and developed to run the system. Here, the feedback system is strengthened to ensure that the new HRIS responds to the identified needs of the decision-makers considering the efficiency and effectiveness anticipated. Training in this phase involves attitude formation as means to enable the user to constructively respond to the new system as expected. (Jaksa & Pritchard, 1994) (Houck, 1992)
F.                 Initial run with parallel operations represents the phase where live data is entered by the users as the modules are activated, reviewed and documented. Here, further refinements in the system may occur as the network hardware, software and middle wares function and observed. User acceptance is documented in detail for the appropriate new rounds of approval by management. The new and the old system run at the same time in varying magnitudes to allow the users gradual but stable adjustment to the new system until the old program is terminated. Safety and security in all areas are finalized including access.  
G.   Termination of existing system.  As the new system runs and functions as expected, termination of the old system is made at a definite timetable with the active participation and consent of the users as approved by management. Further into the support system phase are three additional steps in the cycle:
H.                Maintaining the system in terms of hardware, software and middleware functionality. All the physical and functional support as demanded in the risk management manual are deployed and periodically inspected as well as documented to determine any major or minor glitches observed. (Shaw, 2003)
I.                   Enhancing the system is demanded as minor revisions or additions are made to respond to changes in the organizations, functions and objectives. New modules such as outsourcing issues are created as continuous improvements intents are determined.  Likewise, this phase identifies the data storage, archiving and purging functions of the system. The latter requires approval by management as data and information are deleted permanently from the system.   
J.                  Establishment of user support is a critical component of the implementation phase as this represents the more sensitive area for acceptance and continuity of the system. Detailed documentation is required and submitted as basis for management approval. (Farnham, 2000)
K.               Monitoring and review represents the continuing observation, review, maintenance and evaluation of the functionality of the whole HRIS. Periodic reports are submitted by the groups representing the programmers, librarians, encoders as well as the entire hierarchy involved in the systems development.
The benefits of using the defined and repeatable processes in the systems development cycle are parts of the purposes and objectives for accomplishing these activities during the implementation stage. Here, evident professional and system enhancements provide higher morale and sense of satisfaction for the users as well as depth of decision-making on the part of managers. The reengineering processes involved in the SDLC of the HRIS are expected to bring punctuality and commitment as a positive outcome for users, employees and the entire hierarchy as the system provides innovative functionalities into the decision processes. Areas which are formerly identified as flash points and bottlenecks in the system such as payroll, training, job analysis and performance evaluation and management modules are minimized if not eliminated. Excess personnel can be reassigned or retired hence further contributing to the bottom line of the organization. Finally, this creates the solutions to the delicate balanced scorecard incidentally addressed in the entire human resources systems development life cycle as exemplified and demanded in the processes of a global perspective. (Kaplan & Norton, 2004) (Hill, 2008)

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